Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Juice Beauty Moisturizer

life could better...

After going through a serious desire to go all natural, I finally relented my moisturizers with hard to pronounce ingredients and decided to give two Oil Free Moisturizers a go. The Juice Beauty Moisturizer is the first one I tried. As you can see in the photo, I was about half done when I took the photo and now, after having turned the bottle upside down to get the very last drops ( i hate to waste), I can safely, definitively say, I DO NOT LIKE THIS MOISTURIZER. I am very glad I'm blogging about this because I know that had I not, maybe two years later, after general amnesia sets in, I will wonder if I should try Juice again for it's all naturalness but this time, I will not be fooled.

This moisturizer is basic at best. It is a moisturizer and yes it's oil free and that's it. Considering that even my oily skin needs a little more than just moisturizing, I found this to be extremely insufficient. Because of the dry weather here in SoCal, although I tend to be oily, I also need a bit of something else that other moisturizers usually provide. Maybe this is my fault. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Maybe I've already been spoiled by all the other multi-tasking chemicals that I'm used to. It's possible. I would only recommend this to someone who just wanted to moisturize. say, you got out of the shower and you could care less about your skin but you just want to stop that tight skin feeling so you reach for a basic moisturizer - well, this is it. But if you want anything else. I would not recommend this. In fact, I will probably never buy this again.

I hope the second one I'm trying doesn't disappoint. We shall see...


  1. you might need more water in your skin- not oil. might wanna try a serum before your moisturizer that helps your skin hold it's water.


