Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weleda Cold Cream

Sept of 2014 was one hot summer.  It's probably fall in most places but In LA, summer started in September. I dont have central air so it's been a memorable month. Some days it felt like I was living in an oven and some days felt like monsoon season in Asia- without the actual cooling rain.

My skin was so dry I was trying all sorts of products. I thought that coconut oil would quench my crepe-y skin but it really didnt do much. You'd think that oil would make your face oily but it didnt really work.

So then I tried a little sample of emu oil and that also wasnt the best solution though it felt better than coconut oil.

Finally at Lassens I grabbed a tube of this recommended cream and voila- my dry skin was gone. I put it on at night and even in the morning my skin felt soft.  I wore it during the day and because the air was so dry, it didnt feel too greasy. Now that the temperature has cooled down a bit, I'm just using this cream at night.

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