Monday, August 22, 2011

Make Up Forever Waterproof eyeliner

Having oily skin, I am constantly in search of things that will not run. Eye makeup was strictly off limits until one day my friend Sooyun gave me Kiss Me's revolutionary "tubing" mascara. It's not really mascara in the traditional sense but like a plastic coating on your lashes. It's amazing since it doesn't run! I thought about using the Kiss Me eyeliner, which I have high hopes for but since the local Sephora store didn't carry it, I had to look for other options in the meantime. At the advice of a Sephora salesperson, I decided to give Make-Up Forever's waterproof eyeliner in black. She guarenteed me that it will last forever and that it was waterproof. Water is not something I am afraid of. I don't know how many people go swimming or cry all the time so I have no idea why waterproof really even matters. what I cared about was OIL!

So, anyways, because she was so convinced, I gave it a go.

Well, she was wrong.
This morning, I slide the liner over my eyes and it went on pretty smoothly. But this wasn't the read test. I don't take a look at myself every hour so I have no idea exactly when it started to deteriorate but by 5pm this afternoon, I had raccoon eyes. No good at all.

I plan on returning this tomorrow and ordering the Kiss Me eyeliner online.

I do like Bobbi Brown's cream eyeliner. Even that did better than the Make-up Forever but it's not perfect. I'll review that next.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Two Cleansing Gels I just used: Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel + Astara Blue Flame purifying cleansing gel

Astara blue flame purifying cleansing gel

These are the latest in cleansing gels I've been trying out. I have to say, I keep changing cleansing gels because I'm waiting for something to really wow me but I can't say I've met my perfect cleanser quite yet.

Dermalogica's special cleansing gel was pretty decent. It didn't make me break out. It didn't dry me out. And overall, it seemed to work fine in cleaning my pores and even taking my make-up off without me having to use a separate make-up remover, which I hate to do anyways. But I'm not super thrilled enough to buy the bottle again, mostly for two reasons. One, I didn't really like the way it smelled. It's very clinical smelling and although not too high on the EWG's scale of health concerns, it wasn't stellar either. Two, it has a really almost slimy consistency and it never felt like I was really cleaning my face. Of course, when I used a toner, it's not like I saw anything left behind so it was obviously doing it's job, but it just didn't feel good to use it.
So, having said my two reasons, it may seem like my decision to NOT buy this again is really based not on scientific proof of efficiency but rather how I perceive the product to feel on my skin. But then again, it is a skincare product so shouldn't I care how it feels? I think so.

Now, moving on to Astara's cleansing gel. I really love Astara products. I think their Blue Flame Mask is one of the best things around for combating my oily skin and I have sung the praises of it's work to many. I even have my husband hooked on this stuff. He walks around with his face entirely blue as if it's totally normal. anyways... I thought I'd give their Blue Flame cleansing gel a try since they share the same company and name sort of. I have to say, I was expecting miracles to happen. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite like that. The best thing about this cleanser is the way it smells. I love it! It's earthy, herby, grassy and just smells like you walked into an herbalist's mecca or something. Just really great. I loved smelling the soap as I rubbed it in my hands and washing my face always felt like this earthy experience, like I was doing something green and good for my face. Unfortunately, it didn't really clean my face as well as I would've liked. When I used a toner afterwards, it'd always come up with a little mellow yellow that had clung onto my skin. Still, to be honest, I'm really torn about this cleanser, mostly for the scent, and I wish I could buy it again. Unfortunately, EWG doesn't have this product listed so I can't really tell how good for me it is, but I probably won't be buying this again unless I'm seriously craving some herbally love.

I'm happy to report though , that I have two new cleansers gracing my sink and shower so I will be reporting on them shortly!

